This Onesys-developed extension allows users to do bulk updates of Stock items in Sage 200 from spreadsheets – reducing errors, saving time and money. It is a collection of utilities developed from customer feedback to address the specific needs of users and implementers alike.
The key advantages of the Onesys Stock Import Toolbox are:
- Do bulk maintenance of Stock data – examples include:
- Delete or make Stock records inactive
- Update Supplier details or reorder levels
- Update prices
- Write off a range of Stock items
- Re-categorise items e.g. update analysis codes
- Update Stock Movements – to change Stock quantities or to revalue Stock for multiple Stock items
- Improved Standard Cost Control – to assist in keeping nominal and Stock values in line
The Onesys Stock Import Toolbox is separated into several different modules to tackle multiple scenarios. You can pick and choose which utilities you want to use. There are standard Excel import templates available out-of-the-box and ready to use, but if you have some specific requirements that aren’t catered for, we can create templates to suit.
Please find below a list of the currently available tools:
- Product Groups – To change product groups for a list of Stock codes. This keeps all settings, particularly Search Categories, the same; these would be cleared if updating in Sage.
- Stock Item/Suppliers – an import to create/update Suppliers for Stock items. The standard Sage import tool requires users to update Suppliers separately. This tool can update multiple Stock codes/Suppliers, including Supplier part codes, prices, Landed Costs plus the extra fields required for the Onesys MRP module (if installed).
- Price Bands – an enhanced routine to update prices for customers.
- Stock Adjustments – To import Stock adjustment transactions. This utility can add and/or write-off Stock from an import file.
- Serial/Batch Numbers – To update the core elements of data against serial/batch numbers (e.g. Use by Date).
- Stock Revaluation – To revalue the cost of Stock en masse from an import file.
- Stock Item Status – To bulk update the Stock items’ Active or Inactive flag from an import file.
- Standard Cost – To update standard costs from an import file. Also included is a set of tools to log changes to standard costs to help with keeping the nominal valuation in line when costs are changed.
- Search Categories – To enable the Stock items’ Search Categories to be bulk updated.
- Stock Item Deletion - including facilities to clear out any data which would stop deletion of items.
- Location Defaults – To update the re-order, minimum and maximum fields against locations for Stock items.
- Stock Item Locations – To mass update locations on Stock items.
- Stock Item Additional Fields – To allow import and update of additional fields not included in the standard Sage 200 import routine (for example Units of Measure).
- Delivery Address Extra Details – This is an import to be used if you have the Onesys SOP Enhancements installed, to allow update of extra information against Delivery Addresses such as analysis codes and packing/delivery instructions.
- Stock Take Import – To create/update Stock takes from a file.
The Onesys Stock Import Toolbox is being continually developed and refined. If you have a requirement for something it doesn’t currently do please get in touch and we’ll see if we can help.